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Edmonton Rec League
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Slo Pitch

Anyone 18 years old and over can play.

If you don’t have a full slo pitch team, the Edmonton Rec League will put individuals and small groups together to form a team. Registration is on a first come first- served basis. To hold your spot registration fees must be paid in full.

League Details
Start Date
Spring Season: May - July - 8 Games
Summer Season: July - Sept - 8 Games
Fall Season: Sept - Oct - 5 Games 
Game Times
Week night games range from 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Sunday games range from 1pm - 10pm
Game Days
Sundays - Coed Rookie
Sundays – Coed Really Rec
Sundays - Coed Rec Plus
Sundays – Coed Intermediate

Mondays - Coed Really Rec
Mondays - Coed Rec Plus
Tuesdays - Coed Rookie
Tuesdays – Coed Really Rec

Wednesdays – Coed Really Rec
Wednesdays - Coed Rec Plus
Wednesdays – Coed Intermediate

Thursdays - Coed Rookie
Thursdays - Coed Really Rec
Thursdays – Coed Rec Plus
Thursdays – Coed Intermediate

Fridays - Coed Really Rec
Fridays - Coed Rec Plus

*Fall league is Sundays only.

(When selecting game days please include a second choice in case we are unable to get your first choice)
Diamond locations will vary throughout the city. For a complete list of our diamonds please click on the maps page.
Team Size
10 players, including a minimum of 3 females on the field at once
4 Outfielders/ 3 infielders/ 1 Pitcher/ 1 Catcher/ 1 Rover
Roster size is unlimited but the ERL recommends 15-18 players
Registration Fee
Late Registration Fee Begins

Spring - March 8
Summer - May 22
Fall - August 1

Individual Fee: $95 + tax

Early Registration Team Fee (10 or more): $645 + tax 

Late Registration Team Fee (10 or more): $695 + tax 

Fall League Team Fee (10 or more): $395 + tax 

Fall League Late Fee (10 or more): $445 + tax 

***The league no longer charges a default deposit at time of registration*** 
  • If a team defaults one game then they will be required to pay a default fee by e transfer before their next game. If this is not paid then all games will be updated as a default loss and the team will not be scheduled anymore games.
  • If a team misses two games then another default fee will need to be paid in order to have any future games scheduled. A meeting with the league will occur to determine if this league is the right fit for your team. If a second fee is not paid then the team will be taken off the schedule and the players on the roster will not be allowed to play in any future sports.
  • If a team misses more than two games then this is not the right league for your team. You need a drop in league and the players on the roster will not be allowed to play in any future sports.
Schedules will be posted on the website 48hours prior to the first game.
All teams must have the required bases and may provide their own or rent from the league

A $140 equipment deposit is required at time of registration. When the equipment is returned, the deposit will be refunded, minus a $20 rental fee per season.

Teams are to supply their own balls and home plate mat.

Description of Divisions
Teams in this division are new to the sport and likely have never played before. Wins and losses are not important in this division and neither are standings. Players in this division mainly just want to come out and have fun. This is a great division to start in if you have never played before or are not overly athletic.
 Really Rec
This division is for players who have played before and want to join a league where wins and losses count. Average athletes who have played before will enjoy this division as will teams that are continuously finishing in the top half of the rookie division.
 Rec Plus If you have played for a few seasons and finished in the top half of the standings in the really rec division, then this league is for you. Rec Plus teams have a higher level of skill and experience than teams in the really rec division. Players in this division have average to above average athletic ability.
Typically teams in this division have played together for several seasons and are looking to play higher caliber opponents. Teams are able to work together and this division has very skilled players. If your team is constantly finishing in the top half of the Rec Plus division than this is where you should be. Just like all levels, sportsmanship is still very important in this division.

When deciding which division to join, consider the following:
  • All divisions are rec leagues and still have a fun first mentality. Sportsmanship is just as important in all leagues.
  • Depending on the number of teams registered in each division the rec league may need to move a team up or down a division.
  • If your team is comprised of athletic people who have played sports all their lives then you belong in either the intermediate or advanced division.
  • It is not enjoyable to be in a division where level of play is extremely uneven. Therefore it is important to place your team in the appropriate division to ensure you play teams of similar calibre.
  • If you have played a few seasons in a division and are constantly finishing on top then it is time to move up a level.

2025 Edmonton Spring Slo Pitch League Registration Now Open


2025 Spring Outdoor Schedules


Equipment Pick Up - TBD


Now Hiring League Photographer
