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High As Balls - Team ID 1052800
Team Schedule
- League News
- Standings
- Schedule
- Team Schedules
- 127 Mafia
- 43's
- 45s
- 4Play
- 4Play (Fall 2012)
- 69ers
- 99 Problems
- 99 problems but a pitch ain't one
- 99 Problems but a Pitch aint one
- Aarde Attack
- Ace of Base
- Alcholballics
- Alcoballics
- Alcoballics (Broda)
- Alcoballics (Parenteau)
- All About That BASE
- All That and a Bag of Chips
- All the President's Men
- All The President's Men
- Almost Famous
- Alpha Kenney Buddies
- Antlers in the Outfield
- Anything but Pineapples
- Applus RTD Master Batters
- Applus RTD Slomo's
- Armed and Dangerous
- A's
- Average Joes
- Avialta Rotorheads
- Baby Bat Ribs
- Baby Got Backswing
- Back Dat Pass Up
- Backdoor Sliders
- Back Door Sliders
- Back Door Sliders (Inglis)
- Backdraught Bullies
- Bad News Bears
- Bad news beaumaris
- Bad news Beaumaris
- Bad News Buggalo
- Ballbreakers
- Ball Breakers
- ball busters
- Ball busters
- Ball Busters
- ballin
- Ballin
- Balls & Dolls
- Balls and Dolls
- Balls Deep
- Balls Deep (Annett)
- Balls Deep (Frandsen)
- Balls deep (Mandeville)
- Balls of Fury
- Ballz Out
- Banana Hammocks
- Baseballas
- Baseballers
- BaseBallers
- #BaseicPitches
- Base-ic Pitches
- Base Invaders
- Base Invaders (Embury)
- Base Invaders(Embury)
- Base Venturas
- Basic Pitches
- Bat Attitudes
- Bat Damons
- Bat N Boujee
- Bat's All Folks!
- Bats All Folks!
- Bat Slammath
- Battered Chickens
- B-bats
- Beaumaris Bullies
- Beer Buddies
- BeerHeads
- Beer Hunter
- Beer Hunters
- Beer Pressure
- Beer View Mirrors
- Beisbollos
- Belfast Prairie Crabs
- belfast prarie crabs
- Belly Bombers
- Benchwarmers (Gruending)
- Bendy Straws (Thursday)
- Bendy Straws (Tuesday)
- Big Ballaz
- Big Booty Pitches
- bigcity ballers
- Big Richards
- Biker Gang
- Bilous Blazers
- Blanchett Blasters
- blue ballers
- Blue Ballers
- Blue Balls
- Blue Balls
- Blue Ballz
- boats hoes and watermelon
- boozeballz
- Boozeballz
- BoozeBallz
- Boozehounds
- Boser's Blue Jays
- Bottom of the Fifth
- Brew Crew
- Brewhouse Blue Jays
- Brewhouse Blue Jays (Sunday)
- Brewhouse Blue Jays (Wednesday)
- Brewhouse Braves
- Brewjays
- BrewJays
- Brew Jays
- Brew Jays
- Brew Jays (Adam Badry)
- Brewjays (Bryan Schmidt)
- Brew Jays (Dana Quaghebeur)
- Brew Jays (David Ortt)
- Brew Jays (Fall 2012)
- Brew Jays (Jensen)
- BrewJays O2s
- Brew Jays (Reeves)
- Brewjays (Tousignant - Corliss)
- Brew Jayz
- Brokebat Mountain
- BrokeBat Mountain
- Bronx Boozers
- Bros N' Hoes
- Bunt Munchers
- Bunt Patrol
- Burst Energy
- Cardinals
- Caught Looking
- Century Ballcocks
- Century Ball Cocks
- CERB Beneficiaries
- Cervus
- Channel 4 news Team
- Channel 4 News Team
- Chelle Nation
- Chicago Chubs
- Chris Johnson and Friends
- Cleats & Cleavage
- Cleveland Steamers
- Cobras
- Coed Blue
- Coming From Behind
- Consolation Game 1
- Consolation Game 2
- Consolation Game 3
- Consolation Game 4
- Cougar Bait
- Crash Hotel Spitting Llamas
- Crunch
- CTV Sweatsox
- Cuban Raft Riders
- Cummer’s white sox
- Deadliest Catch-ers
- Deadliest Catch'ers
- Defects and Rejects
- Defects & Rejects
- Diamond Cutterz
- Diamond Daddies
- Diesel Dogs
- Ding Bats
- Dirty Bunts
- Dirty Dozen
- Dirty Pitches
- Dirty Slooooots
- Discount Pitchers
- District 69
- Dorito Dingers
- Doube Dutch Rudders
- Double Baggers
- Double Dutch Rudders
- Double Trouble
- DreamCatchers
- Dream Catchers
- Dream Team
- drunk dynasty
- Each Hit
- East Coast Crunch
- Easton Fections
- ECL Outlaws
- Edmonton Braves
- Edmonton Isotopes
- Elk-O-Holics
- Empire Dryballers
- Empire Drywall
- Energy Security Shockers
- F12 Cursors
- fantastic union of rowdy yahoos
- Fat Boyz and Hoochies
- Field of Crees
- Field of Cree's
- Fiery Balls
- Final
- Fire breathing rubber duckies
- Fistin' mitts
- Fitzgeralds
- Fitzgerald's
- Flaman Untouchables
- Flaming Hawks
- Flaming Homers
- Flavour Town
- Flyballers
- Flyballers II
- Formations Woodpeckers
- Fortnite Burger
- Foul Balls
- Foul Balls.
- Franco's
- Franco's Fury
- Frank's Brokerage
- Friendly Fire
- Full Loaded Base Potatoes
- Fully Loaded
- Fully Loaded Base Potatoes
- fur traders
- Fur traders
- Fur Traders
- Genesis
- Glen Dobranski
- God We Are Awesome
- Going Deep
- Golden Gloves
- Good Eye Mate
- Good will Bunting
- Goon Squad
- Goosemen
- Got The Runs (Mike Cowen)
- Grand Slammed your Sister
- Grand-Slammed Your Sister
- Great Balls of Fire
- green bald pitches
- Ground Hogs
- Havoc
- Hawk an balls
- hawk and balls
- Hawks
- Hello Hitty
- Hemisphere
- Here for the Beer
- High As Balls
- High Balls
- High Five
- High Fives and Ass Slaps
- High Flyers
- High Line Power House
- hit for brains
- Hit It & Quit It
- Homer Sapiens
- Home Wreckers
- Hoof Hearted
- Hot Mess
- Hot Mess (Fall 2012)
- Hot Pitches
- Hounds
- Huck Pitches Get Money
- Huck Pitches, Get Money
- hunkin drooligan
- Hunkin Drooligans
- ice cold pitchers
- Ice Cold Pitches
- Ice Sports in Shorts
- I'd Hit it
- I'd Hit It
- I'd Hit that
- I'd Hit That
- Impact BrewJays
- Im Shambles
- Inglorious Batters
- Inner City Sledgehammers
- Inner City Sledge Hammers
- In Shambles
- Isotopes
- It's Britney, Pitch!
- Jager Bombers
- Jager Bombers (Palmer)
- Jagger Bombers (Charchuk)
- Just Alright
- Just Here for Beer
- Just Here For Beer
- KC Thunder
- Ken Griffey's Grotesquely Swollen Jaw
- Keystone Diggers
- Kiewit Meetballs
- Killer Bees
- Killer Bee's
- Kratko's Warrior
- Kratko's Warriors
- Kuntswaylos
- Kurt Angles in the Outfield
- La-Batts
- Lab Ratz
- Landmark Group
- landmark Legends
- Landmark Legends
- Laurier Lightning
- Layfield
- Lazer Dragons
- Lazor Dragons.
- Legion of Boom
- Let'Er Buck
- Life's a Pitch
- Life's A Pitch
- Life's a Pitch (Hanasyk)
- Life's a Pitch (Potskin)
- Lightning Rods
- Lights out
- Lights Out
- Liquor Express Booze Hounds
- Loaded Basemen
- Lookin' To Score
- Los expos
- Lot Lizards
- Louisville Chuggers
- Love Gloves
- LOVEteam
- Lowballers
- Lowered Expectations
- Low Standards
- Low Standards.
- #BaseicPitches
- Lumberjacks
- Mad Mallards
- Make It A Double
- make softball great again
- Make Softball Great Again
- Malt Mashers
- Mandel-bombs! Mandel-bombs! Mandel-bombs!
- Masterbatters
- Master batters
- Master Batters
- Master Batters
- Master Batters (Douglas)
- Master Batters (Millar)
- Master Batters - Pam Chapman
- Master Batters (Simpson)
- Masterbatters - Tom Rivett
- Mavericks
- Mavericks.
- McCrackens
- McGlovin
- Mec E Moose Slo-Pitch Club
- Melly's Munchkins
- MGN Constructors
- Mighty Moose Knuckles
- Mile High
- Mile High
- Mile High (Fall 2012)
- Millwoods Hoodlums
- Miracle Workers
- Mission Electric Live Wires
- MNP 1
- MNP 2
- Molson
- Monday Singles 1
- Money Ball
- Multiple Scoregasms
- Multiple Scorgasms
- Negligent Batteries
- Neheyawak
- New York Yankees
- Nice Snatch
- Ninja Ballers
- Ninja Swamp Donkeys
- No Glove No Love
- North Side A's
- Northside Cubs
- no team scheduled
- Nov Drillers
- O2 BrewJays
- O2s BrewJays
- O2s Taphouse BrewJays
- Odd Balls
- Odd Ballz
- Off Base
- Off Constantly
- Off in the Woods
- Oil Strikers
- Old mitts
- Old Mitts
- One Hit Wonders
- oppo tacos
- Oppo Tacos
- Outlaws
- Packers Plus Blue Balls
- pancake batters
- Pancake Batters
- Passion 4 Smashin
- Passion 4 Smashin'
- Penetrators
- Peter North Stars
- Phatt Batts
- Pipe Dreamers
- Pitches & Throws
- Pitches be Crazy
- Pitches Be Crazy
- Pitches Be Crazy!
- Pitches Get Stiches
- Pitch Perfect
- pitch please
- Pitch Please
- Pitch, Please!
- Pitch, Please! (Allard)
- Pitch Please! (Bartlett)
- Pitch Please (Brittain)
- Pitch, Please (Grocock)
- Pitch please (Parker)
- Pitch Slap
- Pitch Slapped
- Playoffs
- Poppin A Homer
- Posse
- Predators
- Prestige World Wide
- Pretty In Pink
- Pro Shooter Crisps
- Purple Cobras
- Quit your Pitchin' (Coleman)
- Quit Your Pitching (Francis)
- Ragamuffins
- Raging Homers
- Really Slo Pitchers
- Red Panda River Monsters
- Red Tractor Wranglers
- Regent HotPigs
- Renegads
- Riverbend
- River City Pigeons
- River City Prairie Crabs
- River Valley Rats
- River Valley Rookies
- Road Runners
- Roaring Roosters
- Rockets
- Rockland Crushers
- Royals
- Running Donkeys
- Scared Hitless
- schweddy balls
- Schweddy Balls
- Screwballs
- Semi Final 1
- Semi Final 2
- Sexy Pitches
- S.H.I.T
- S.H.I.T.
- S.H.I.T (Fall 2012)
- shockers
- Shockers
- Shooter MacGavins
- Show Me Your Dickey
- Shweddy Balls
- Singles
- Singles 1
- Sit on my base
- Sit on My Base
- Sit On My Base
- Sit On My Base (Forster)
- Sit On My Base (Hedley)
- Slammers
- Sledge Hammers
- Slider Inside
- Slider Inside (Thursday)
- Slider Inside (Tuesday)
- Slider Inside (Wednesday)
- Sliders N Strokers
- Slippery Mitts
- Slomos
- Slo-Pokes
- Sloppy Seconders
- Sloppy Swingers
- Smack My Pitch Up
- Smash n Dash
- Smokin' Bases
- Smokin' Bats (Bangit)
- Smoking Bats
- Smoking Bats (Main)
- Smokn Bases
- Snatch n' balls
- Snatch n Balls
- Snatch n' Balls
- Snatch'n Balls
- Snitches Get Pitches
- Snoodlers
- Sofa King Terribles
- Softball Fondlers
- Softball Furies
- Somewhere Over Short Stop
- Sonf of Pitches
- Sons of pitches
- Sons of Pitches
- Sons of pitches (Andrew Madu)
- Sons of Pitches (Bain)
- Sons of Pitches (Bolstad)
- Sons of Pitches (Brendan Bolstad)
- Sons of Pitches (Brian Parker)
- Sons of Pitches (Erickson)
- Sons of Pitches (Jennifer Layton)
- Sons of Pitches (Jessica Brandsma)
- Sons of Pitches (Layton)
- Sons of Pitches (Marcus Rayment)
- Sons of Pitches (Randy Kowaluk)
- Sons of Pitches (Rayment)
- Sons of Pitches (Reed)
- Sons of Pitches (Wedman)
- Sons of Pitches (Wolfe)
- Sorrentino Caffe GIANTS
- Southside Divas
- Southside runners
- Space Jam (But Baseball)
- Speedmonton
- Spider Monkeys
- Spitting Llamas
- Sporting Would
- Springfield Isotopes
- SSI Terrorbytes
- Starbuck Brewers
- Stingers
- Strikers and Strokers
- sultans of summer
- Sultans of summer
- Sultans of Summer
- Summit Sluggers
- Sundawgs
- Sunday Singles 1
- Sundogs
- Suns Out Bats Out
- Super Heroes In Training
- Super Heros In Training
- Swamp Donkeys
- Sweatsox
- Swingers
- Swingers (Shave)
- Swingers (Tomlinson)
- Swinging the good wood
- Swinging Virgins
- Team Cook/Steed
- Team Epic!
- Team Mustache Ride
- Team No Glove No Love
- Team Pitchers
- Team PUMP EM
- Team Ramrod
- Team Shotgun
- Team Townie
- Tent Pitchers
- That's What She Said
- The Ander Insurance Updawgs
- The Anders Insurance Updawgs
- The A-Team
- The Backdoor Sliders
- The Backdoor Sliders (Blais)
- The Baconators
- The Ballers
- The Baseballas
- The Base Balla's
- The Base Bums
- The Base Hunters
- The Belfast Prairie Crabs
- The Benchwarmers
- The Benchwarmers (Kaus)
- The Benders
- The Big Hitters
- The Big Richards
- The Big Richards (Fall 2012)
- The Big Ricrhads
- The Billy Buds
- The Braves
- The Brew Crew
- The Brewhouse Braves
- The Brew Jays (Adam Badry)
- The Brew Jays (Jensen)
- The Brews
- The Brewstein Bears
- TheBrewz
- The Brewz
- The Cleveland Steamers
- The Custom Fielders
- The Danny Glovers
- The Defibrillators
- The Dirty Mitts
- The Dirty Slooooots
- The Discount Pitchers
- The Eastcoasters
- The Empress 45
- The Empress 45s
- The Empress 45's
- The Esks
- The Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
- The Fitzgeralds
- The Fitzgerald's
- the flaming homers
- The Four-One Sustainers
- The Gentlemens Club
- The Great Players
- The Green Jays
- The Hammering Homers
- the Hawks
- The Hawks
- The Imports
- The Jug Ornot
- The Junkies
- The Lone Rangers
- the mad batters
- The Masterbatters
- The Master Batters (Kozak)
- The Misfits
- The Mitt Ticklers
- The Monarchs
- The Next Cut Rush
- The Offenders
- The O'Fors
- The purple nurples
- The Quitters
- The Rajun Cajun's
- The Reapers
- The Replacements
- The Runs
- The Runz
- The Sandlot
- The Sandlot Crew
- The Shockers
- The silver bullets
- The Silver Bullets
- The Siver Bullets
- The Sledgehammers
- The Sledghammers
- The Slippery Mitts
- The Smoking Bats
- The Soft Serves
- The Sons of Pitches
- The Sons of Pitches.
- The Stair Shop Sluggers
- The Stone Cold Steve Awesomes
- The Swingers
- The Thirsty Beavers
- The Throw Togethers
- The Trojans
- The Updawgs
- The Villagers
- The Walkers
- The wolfpack
- The Zoo
- Throwing Shade
- Thundercats
- Thursday Singles
- Tight Mitts & Foul Balls
- Ti-Pi Crawlers
- Toe Taggers
- Tom Selleck's Moustache
- Tony La Russa Athletic Club
- Too old for T-ball
- Town and Country Sluggers
- Town & Country Bombers
- Tragically Hitless
- Traitors
- Trappers
- Treaty 8
- Tricky Pitches
- Twisters
- Twizted Aces
- two balls one strike
- Two balls one strike
- Two balls One strike
- Ultimate Warriors
- Ump Yours!
- Uniballers
- United Cycle
- United Cycle 1
- Unstoppa-ballz
- Updawgs
- Up to NO Good
- Urban Achievers
- Vampire Bats
- Vampire Weasels
- Vandelay Industries
- Versa Frame Beerheads
- Viter Hurricanes
- Walkers
- Walker Texas Rangers
- Wasted Potential
- We got balls
- We Got Balls
- We Got The Runs
- WE GOT THE RUNS (Shawn Hearn)
- We Have Softballs
- We Have Soft Balls
- We've Got the Runs (Jessica Duhn)
- We've Got The Runs (Newcombe)
- We've Got the Runz
- We've Got the Runz (Cory Mjaatveit)
- Wheelin' Nailers
- Where my pitches at?
- Where my Pitches at?
- Where My Pitches At?
- Where's My PItches At!? (Jarrod Sharp)
- Whiskeyjacks
- Whyte Ave Stumblers
- Wildcards
- Wild Pitches
- Wild Things
- Win or Booze
- Yager Bombers (Brown)
- Yankdeez
- YEG Fitness Thrashers
- More
Road Game |
Home Game |
Practice |
Team Event |
Association Event |
<< | February 2025 | >> | ||||
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